...spending some time being thankful for my husband...

I love weekends off with my husband. There have been comments made by some people who will remain nameless ;) asking when he ever gets time to himself, time out with "the guys", etc. One person once told him that he is ruining his career and his life by having so many children. Another warned that having more than 3 children is threatening your marriage and it will just fall apart after that. My husband has never been that kind of guy. His idea of time off is time with his family.  I so love him! He is my best friend and I am his. He doesn't take off to be with the guys because his guys are here. He has 3. One is 13, another is 9 and the last guy is 6 months old. He also has a few gals, too, aged 11, 7, 4 and 2.  And he isn't afraid of the possibility of God blessing him with more family to love on.

Today, my darling was up early which is obviously a reflection of his new dayshift at work. He was even up before me. He fixed breakfast and took care of the kids and let me sleep in. That alone was spoiling me but he didn't stop there. After breakfast, he started cleaning the new bathroom floor to prepare for grouting the tiles. Its like he was speaking my love language, "home improvement". He even volunteered to do the grouting all by himself but I couldn't let him have all the fun! All I really wanted to do though was smile at him and sneak kisses. But what he did next was even more wonderful. After the grouting, checking the oil in his pickup and splitting some firewood, he got out the table saw and got to work on the soffits and siding for the garage. Oh, my. He is wonderful. I never had to even ask. Now in case, after seeing pictures of our 7 children, you had any doubts about whether or not I think my husband is good looking, doubt no more. Seeing him with home improvement tools, working away, happily and making progress on a project that has been eating away at me... Yeah, I had to steal some more kisses. ;)

It was getting dark and close to dinner when we stopped. After eating dinner and just relaxing for a few minutes, he was falling asleep on the sofa. I don't blame him. His schedule is hard on him right now. I am so thankful for all his hard work on his weekend off. He could be doing so many other things but he chose to invest in me and our marriage. I know, tiling and siding doesn't sound like an investment in a wife but if you knew how much my to do list eats at me and also how much I love to work alongside him, you'd know that its a wonderful way to say I love you.

Today, my sweetheart invested in our marriage. Tomorrow night will be family night and together, we'll spend time as a family making tacos, playing games and spending meaningful time building our family up. I'm excited because on Sunday, we're using a Christmas gift card and going out to dinner as a family after church. We don't go out to dinner very often so this will be a treat!

I don't know what else we are planning on doing this weekend but I know one thing. Ryan will be home. My heart jumps for joy at the thought of spending time with him and I know the kids are excited as well. But you know what else? I know that Ryan wants to be here. God blessed me with an awesome family and an awesome husband. God has blessed me more than I ever imagined He would. I am so thankful.


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